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fa: United! Furry Convention in New Jersey, 2007

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The Northeast Anthropomorphic Association and Fur Affinity present fa:United!

FA United 2007 is a furry convention scheduled for August 10-12 in Newark, New Jersey.

The convention's first year takes place August 10th - 12th, 2007 at the Ramada Inn Newark International Airport, a Wyndham WorldWide Partner.
  • Attending - $35 (pre-registration price is $30!)
  • Sponsor - $80
  • Founding Member - $150

Room Rates for the hotel start at just $79 a night.

The convention's theme will be Furry Convention Antics. The art theme is the same, but comic book style. The guests of honor for the first year are very familiar with comic book art, they are John "RoxiKat" Barret and Blotch.

The Charity is the Lakota Wolf Preserve in Columbia, New Jersey

Find out more at fa:United! or Fur Affinity


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