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Califur Semi-Occasional Monthly Newsletter for May 2007

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Califur Semi-Occasional Monthly Newsletter for May 2007
Registration News.
Programming News.
Special Announcement.
Registration News.
Programming News.
Special Announcement.


Registration has been closed, we thank all of you who preregistered, and look forward to seeing you all at Califur.
For those who have not registered, you will be able to register at the door, opening Late thursday night, or friday morning, for the following prices:

Regular Attending: $45
Sponsor: $60
Patron: $120


Programming News.

Our Tentative final programming schedule has been uploaded to the Califur Webpage, it is available at


Special Announcement.

On Saturday Night, during the Cabaret, expect a special announcement about plans Califur 2008!.

Shhh! Its a secret!



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