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2006 Ursa Major Awards voting is now open

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sun 27 Dec 2009 - 12:34
Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

The 2006 Ursa Major Awards are now open, and will close on April 14th. The nominees are, in alphabetical order...:

Best Motion Picture

Flushed Away
Happy Feet
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
Over The Hedge

Best Dramatic Short Work or Series

Hammy’s Boomerang Adventure
Jane and the Dragon
My Gym Partner’s a Monkey
Raccoon Daze
Tom and Jerry Tales

Best Novel

Beyond That Which Divides (book 3 of the Wilderhom trilogy), by Philip J. Eggerding
The Catto Comeback, by M. Mitchell Marmel and E. O. Costello
His Majesty’s Dragon (Temeraire book one), by Naomi Novik
The Human Memoirs, by G. Howell
Pendant of Fortune, by Kyell Gold

Best Short Fiction

Bob’s Greezamus Carol, by C. D. Woodbury
Felicia and the Wrath of the Elder Glops, by Chas. P. A. Melville
Full Immersion, by Phil Geusz
Helping Hands, by Equestrian Horse Wrangler
Jacks To Open, by Kyell Gold
Monkey in the Middle, by Mark Allen Davis

Best Other Literary Work

ANTHROlogy One, edited by Quentin Long
Digger, volume 2, by Ursula Vernon
A Doemain of Our Own, volume 1, by Susan Rankin
Gene Catlow, volume 1, by Albert Temple
Tai-Pan: Skullduggery, edited by Gene Breshears
Tofu Knights: Ozy and Millie, 2004-2005, by D. C. Simpson

Best Comic Book

Extinctioners, by Shawntae L. Howard
i.s.o., by Vince Suzukawa
Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Volume II, written by Mike Bullock, art by Jack Lawrence
Usagi Yojimbo, by Stan Sakai
ZED, by Michel Gagné

Best Comic Strip

A Doemain of Our Own, by Susan Deer
Freefall, by Mark Stanley
Kevin & Kell, by Bill Holbrook
Ozy and Millie, by D. C. Simpson
Sabrina Online, by Eric W. Schwartz

Best Fanzine

South Fur Lands
Spontoon Island
Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe

Best Published Illustration

Title page for Bob’s Greezamus Carol, by Chas. P. A. Melville
Cover art for Extinctioners #15, by Eugene Arenhaus
Cover painting for Pendant of Fortune, by Sara Palmer
Illustration for Sire Relief: “Entering L’Etoile d’Argent”, by Susan Rankin
Illustration for Sire Relief: “Holding the Fort”, by Susan Rankin
Cover art for Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe #41, by Sky Oxford

Best Game

Kingdom Hearts II
Over the Hedge
Star Fox Command

Voters may cast first, second, and third place votes in each category.

For full voting instructions, and a copy of the official voting ballot, please go to:


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