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Camp Feral! 2007 Registration is OPEN!!!

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Heya Campers! That's right! The registration for Camp Feral! 2007 is now open! This year we are returning to Camp Arowhon in beautiful Algonquin Park just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada! The dates for the camp are August 27th to 31st, bookended by two weekends which will have pre and post Feral! events in the Toronto area!!! read on for more details!
Here's your chance to experience the vast Canadian wilderness and join over a hundred other furs as we take over a rustic 75 year old summer camp! Swimming, archery, workshops, special events, a rave in a cabin in the middle of the woods, the insane LARP Capture the Flag...all on the shores of Tee Pee Lake, sleeping in cabins in the forest, and ALL INCLUSIVE: food, lodging and activities are all included in the registration fee!

Just head to, read about us, click REGISTER and follow the instructions on the page :)

So far we have four special guests confirmed: Our Guest of Honour will be the prolific and talented artist Ferris! Joining him as special guests will be Gideon and Foxxfire! Other artists and guests are in talks and will be announced as they confirm!

More info on special guests, special events and other goodies will be coming soon! Also, look for me (Potoroo, the freak with the pink mohawk) at FC in just over a week! :)

Dag yo! Can't wait!!!

Chair, Camp Feral!


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