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So, furry-bashers have now been reduced to publishing in campus newspapers. And not only that, but it's in a sexual column, which every campus newspaper has, and which invariably is looked down on by every last one of the actual students.

You know, I really do enjoy watching them forced to resort to ever less respectable methods of distribution. In fact, after reading this, I've decided not to have any more stupid hangups about not admitting to being a furry. I mean, what is anyone going to do about it? If they insulted me for it, they would make themselves look like some crank that writes 20 editorials to the student newspaper every week and then accuses the newspaper of censorship because they only printed one. No more reputation for them....

In a way though, it's almost sad. These people so earnestly believe they're going to hurt the fandom by writing a hit piece about it. But the fact that sales of furry comics, including non-sexual ones, invariably shoot up after every hit piece does very much prove otherwise.


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