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Oklacon T-shirt contest!

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T-Shirt Contest
Calling all artists! Oklacon is asking for art and design submission for its 2005 t-shirt contest. The theme for this years con is

Inner Animal

Keep in mind that the artwork you submit for the t-shirt must somehow relate to our theme. Good luck!

Grand prize Winner will receive a free T-shirt with their artwork featured on it, Guest of Honor status for next years con, and Attending level membership for this years convention.

Second place Winner will have their art featured on this years convention book cover and an Attendance level membership for this years convention.

Third place Winner will have their art on the back of the convention book along with a $10 discount for this years convention.

Rules for the contest

T-shirt art should include the text Oklacon 2005. All submitted artwork must be PG-rated. When it comes to submitting artwork; don’t copy, be original and creative.

All artwork submitted by email should either be submitted in gif, jpeg, or pdf format The submitted file should be no larger than 1 megabyte. Everyone who sends their submission must provide their full name, and a reliable email address.

Please, to prevent potential bias when judging occurs please have no signatures on the artwork. If you win and we display the art, signatures are encouraged! Displayed artwork will be watermarked by the staff as Oklacon T-shirt entry for your protection.

Once a winner has been chosen, you will be contacted by one of our staff. You will then need to send a higher quality copy at 300 dpi and at least ten inches high and in tiff, bmp, pdf format.

Contest will end midnight September 10, 2005.
Absolutely No Entries will be accepted after this date.

Thank you and we at Oklacon look forward to your submissions. Good luck!
Please send your submissions to [email protected] or send it USPS (on CD or floppy format) to:

Oklacon Convention T-shirt Submissions
1029 Idaho Street
Norman, OK 73071

By submitting an entry to Oklacon's T-shirt contest, you are giving Oklacon and its parent organization, the Oklahoma Association of Anthropomorphic Arts Inc. an irreversible, non-exclusive license to use the entry for promotional purposes. The original creators of the work will still be able to use the submission in their own portfolios and promotions.


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