It depends on how they do it. If, basically, they take what he left behind and publish it with some commentary by someone who knew him and can write, that will be okay.
If, however, they're taking a tiny amount of information and writing a bunch of awful stuff to fill in (like the new Dune books -- horrid stuff), I'm not interested and I don't see much value to Adams' legacy.
BTW, I found this wonderful lament at Douglas' passing written by famed biologist Richard Dawkins.
It depends on how they do it. If, basically, they take what he left behind and publish it with some commentary by someone who knew him and can write, that will be okay.
If, however, they're taking a tiny amount of information and writing a bunch of awful stuff to fill in (like the new Dune books -- horrid stuff), I'm not interested and I don't see much value to Adams' legacy.
BTW, I found this wonderful lament at Douglas' passing written by famed biologist Richard Dawkins.