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Online payments at C-ACE!

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Hello everyone!

It gives me great pleasure to announce that C-ACE finally has ONLINE REGISTRATION! You can now fill out the forms online and get your pre-registration, sponsorship, dealer table, art show panel and even past years' t-shirts paid with PayPal!

Of course, we still accept payments through regular mail with cheques, through printed text or pdf forms, like usual.

Remember that you can still save if you register before February 5, 2005 at the low rate of Cdn$30 for the whole weekend! You can also show your support by buying a Sponsorship at $80 and above, which gives you a free t-shirt,a free print by our Artist guest and a free lunch Saturday with our Guests of Honours - as well as our many thanks!

Don't forget about reserving your hotel room too! Just call the Best Western Victoria Park Suites at (613) 567-7275 or toll-free in North America at 1-800-465-7275, and mention Group Reservation #153544 to get our special rate of $109 for semi-suite and $119 for a Queen suite, all with kitchenettes included!

We hope to see many of you next June!

Niall MacConaill
Chair, C-ACE 2005
[email protected]


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