My memory's never the best, but I notice the stories seem to be out of order or possibly some recent ones are missing, because I think the couple I'd posted had almost rolled off of the front page the last time I checked, and now they're higher up. But again, don't trust my memory. =P
If it's any consolation, I'd like to offer the opposite of hacking; heartfelt thanks for providing what I strongly consider to be one of the best online services the furry community has ever had, and certainly the top of its kind. Flayrah is a safe and honest interface between furry fandom and the outside world, and a great source of news and entertainment for our community. Great work. Here's to hoping y'all won't let the occasional juvenile vendetta stop the music.
My memory's never the best, but I notice the stories seem to be out of order or possibly some recent ones are missing, because I think the couple I'd posted had almost rolled off of the front page the last time I checked, and now they're higher up. But again, don't trust my memory. =P
If it's any consolation, I'd like to offer the opposite of hacking; heartfelt thanks for providing what I strongly consider to be one of the best online services the furry community has ever had, and certainly the top of its kind. Flayrah is a safe and honest interface between furry fandom and the outside world, and a great source of news and entertainment for our community. Great work. Here's to hoping y'all won't let the occasional juvenile vendetta stop the music.