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or, what goes on is that males are forced out of the profession and only females are allowed to be costumed characters. After all, surely the fairer sex is much better at not raping kids? right? wrong....

This is already happening in other industries, like daycare. Many daycares lately consider anyone with something hanging between their legs to be a threat to children.

I suspect it's going to happen to swim teams also, a recent scandal broke about some guy putting a camera into some underaged girls locker room for the USA swim team. I already bet the feminists are rattling their sabers about it quietly to get all men ejected...

A school district in california outright bans photography of high school swim and sports teams anymore, due to a guy (supposedly) coming in and taking photos, then posting them on gay websites. It was just guys in speedos, and the feminist saber rattling started about "omg omg men are pigs, my son is ruined! wahhhh"

A guy in england one time even was taking photos of his kid on a coin operated machine outside a store, ended up having the cops called on him by a bunch of thugs claiming he was into child porn, so of course he got jacked up... Typical

To all the ladies out there: if you take offense to what I just posted, get lost. you are one of them. If you can not seperate hysteria from facts (that not all men are out to rape kids and photograph them) you have burned way too many bras... Therefore, I would like to leave you bra burners with no sense of reality a little message: oppression against those who you claim did it for centuries is only going to backfire on you... Watch out


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