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I'm the one who wrote the original comment against the FUD over Zoophilia in the fandom. Too many comments for 1-on-1, so I'll reply essay style.

My take on Zoophilia and Bestiality is that we all are animals here, a part of the mammal family, so I can't see a problem with inter-species romance and sex.

Some of us mammals have discovered some happiness with another class of mammals that isn't a common thing. That's no reason for FUD, but I can understand it. Jazz music caused riots when it first came out, and at one time you were crazy if you believed that the earth was round.

Furries think alot about animal-human hybrids, and also some Zoos have thought of what the offspring of their matings would be like. If it was possible to happen, it would be a cross-breed, like a Furry.

There are Furries who are more than just fans, they believe they are a different species inside. It would be a natural thing for a Fur like that to have feelings for their 'own' type, it would make sense coming from a more open mind like that.

My first encounter with a [my animal] was in my early teens. It was mostly just sex play then, and it took a few years for romantic feelings for [my animals] to start. Not long after, I was into collecting pictures of [my animals], then I started to like the idea of anthro [my animals], 15 years before I knew a thing about Furry.

I didn't choose to be a Furry or a Zoo, it's just the way things are. I'm a Furry by default, because of who I am. I've had doubts, was the only reason I like anthros because of a yiffy interest? I wondered about myself, but then I grew to see being Zoo and a Furry is a special thing in my life.

With their innocence, playfulness, [my animals] are beautiful creatures, and they are just right for me. Intimate love is just one more part of the relationship that we share. I've cried while looking into a [my animal]'s face, seeing their beauty, and feeling their love.. These are things someone just has to experience for themselves to really understand.

There's no way to really prove how many Zoos there are, but Kinsey found bestiality wasn't that uncommon, with fewer who had contact with an animal in the city, and many more who had that contact in rural areas.

Someone has said Zoos should stay out of Furry. Well, I like Furry, and besides, Zoo groups talk about mostly one thing, and there's not as much I can add there. I like artwork, fursuits, conventions, websites, and other Furry things too. I try to respect everyone's level of involvement in Furry, and I've never had a Fur friend tell me to get lost when I told them I was a Zoo too.


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