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Something wrong with not giving a damn about an unintellegent, lower species that provides no purpose other then to taste good and look good being worn? Just because I'm into furry stuff, doesn't mean I should turn into a damn hippie and protect all on Gawd's green earth. There comes a point when you're too into something, you know? Relax, yo.

And yes, before you bring out the old ammo, yes, I have been to a slaughter house. I have seen how leather is tanned and made. I've seen my grandfather lop heads off of chickens for the night's dinner. I've seen aftermaths of medical progress, but you know, it doesn't bother me one bit. None of these creatures are in danger of being extinct nor would they know what to do if suddenly introduced back into nature.

Next, if I'm so horrible for using 'societal imprinting', shut off your computer and toss it out your window. Quit your job. Run pantsless through the streets. Because it's instinct, not logic, that has you follow certain threads in society. Yeah. Okay, sure. We're an evolved species. We live in societies, form communities and work crappy jobs. We have for hundreds if not a couple thousand years, so there's probably something to it. Logic says, 'Hey jerk, if you don't have a job, you don't have a house and if you don't have a house, you should probably go back and live in a cave'.

But I digress.

I'm acting plenty on logic, I think, rather then instinct, which is why I haven't taken a single point in a previous statement and argued against it in that emotional, smarmy, too good for you way. Instinct tells me "canine [is not equal to] human", but funny, logic tells me that too. Logic lets me supress my urges so that I don't have to recieve gratification from something other then my own species. Logic tells me to not do anything that moves. Logic tells me that there's certain behaviors, not to mention laws, in society, usually for a reason.



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