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If my point came across as that, then I did good as that pretty much was my point.

Eating animals: Most of them we consider food were fairly worthless to begin with and have evolved to the point of being more so. Go on, release those cows into the wild. So how well they do.

And ham is yummy.

Animal Testing: Yup. I agree with some point that it is a lazy means, like in the instance of say, cosmetics. But as a comedian once said, "If hooking a monkey's brain up to a car battery will eventually come up with the cure for cancer, I have one this to say: Red is positive, black is negative."

I don't quite see anyone jumping at the chance of testing some new drugs that might prolong a person's life, but has that sliiight chance of making their heart explode or torturing their one structure to resemble Gary Busey for the rest of their lives.

Now try this little stunt out. Go ask 100 people on the street which is better: eating a hamburger or making sweet love to a dog? Wearing a leather coat or 'being one' with a dolphin? Testing heart medication on a rat or .. I think you get the idea. Let us know how it goes.


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