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And someone else on this board pointed out that all of what you describe can be defined as it trying to display dominance. So that's hmm... let's see, at least three different interpretations of the same behavior by three different people. And one of those interpretations is tainted by the self-motivations of those who would practice bestialty. No definition of consent.

Half of your argument says they don't give informed consent, half says they do. What are you trying to sell me here?

Since humans do not operate on instinct, sexual contact requires informed consent or it is considered rape. In this post, and most of the others, you are trying to imply your own interpretation of behavior as informed consent. That doesn't wash. It's an even less convincing argument than "she was asking for it."

You are also trying to use lack of pregnancy and [modified] instinctive behavior as some type of reasoning that informed consent need not be present, as some other posters have tried to do as well. That also does not wash, because you neglect to mention that other consequences that have been proven to occur in any case include infection and disease, and physical and emotional damage. Because consequences occur, informed consent must also occur. Absence of consent equals rape.

Bottom line: Informed consent must be present for sex involving humans. There are consequences of human-animal sex. Animals can not give informed consent. Any human sex without consent is rape.

The biggest reason I've found the points to the contrary in this forum so laughable is that each argument begins with a "given" that one of these points does not exist and then tries to make an easily discredited point.

I'm tired of defending a point that is as plain as "the sun sets in the western sky" and having people reply by simultaniously trying to redefine "sun" and "sky" while spinning the compass. You're only fooling yourself. If you practice this, go back under the rock you crawled from, you get no welcome from me here. If you are just trying to convince me, stop it, I've heard all the arguments and they only further convince me of my position. Please stop facilitating this behavior by supporting it in this community. Buh-bye.



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