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I'm not sure why this is on Flayrah and not AFF, but I still have a couple of comments.

"The one fur who toys."
There's only one fur who wants kids toys? :) Most of the press that furries complain about is at least partially accurate. You're exaggerating if you think that unusual hobbies and sexuality is such a tiny minority of the fandom.

"Explain 'yiff'...[and] people of goodwill will understand."
Not really. Talk about a cutesy word for sex and people will think your entire fanbase is about sex. I've been in interviews in the past, and reporters can't get enough of the word 'yiff', believe me. It's jargon, it's sexual, and it's very, very weird. It's like, the trifurcate of yellow reporting. Do you know of ANY other fanbase that has a special word for sex?

The problem with furry and the media is that we *are* a pack of weirdos, and most of us forget this. There's something highly unusual about an interest in human-beast combinations, especially since for a very large segment of us, the interest includes sexual fantasy. We're very, very strange, Simo.

Personally, I don't care if someone goes to the media; I agree that it's futile to prevent it on an individual level (though a convention can stop incursions for the benefit of the peace of mind of its guests).

But you seem to be one of those furs who feels "people will understand", and I believe that's folly. Few people who aren't furry can understand why we do what we do, because WE don't even understand it, by and large.

One last comment. While I'm not here to debate zoophilia, there is no "infiltration of furry" by zoophiles. There are very few active zoos in the fandom. There is a lot of support for the idea of zoophilia, which is different from the practice. The vast majority of zoophiles want nothing to do with furry, and don't see the point of our culture or artwork. There's no danger of zoophilia "taking over" the fandom.

But then, you did masturbate to a picture of a vixen last night, didn't you? Is that really so far off? I have always believed that one of the main reasons there's a lot of BF-type sentiment in the fandom is the fact that many furs suffer a good deal of cognitive dissonance due to their inability to accept or rationalize away their socially-damning attraction to a dog with breasts. Back in the day, I knew several members of BF, and all of them were self-loathers, one of them a practicing zoophile. Go fig.



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