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I think your reply is based on the misassumption that animals can't consent to sexual activity. The kind of cruetly you are talking about would probably be better reffered to as bestiality. Zoephiles' defining attribute is a sensitivity and empathy towards animals, at least from what I understand. Sometimes this is sexual in nature, and it doesn't 'always' involve penetration. An animal will let you know if it is dissatisfied with your advances and most definitely can consent by being passive or enjoying your attentions.

You DO have a very valid point about the perception of 'us' as a bunch of pervs. I'm not a zoephile but I am very into yiffy art, and as a result a certain responsibilty is required of myself and my peers. I think the MOST you can ask anyone with an 'unpopular' interest is to keep a low profile, but if they are asked their opinions, I can't blame them for standing up for what they believe in. After all, both of us now have just given our opinions, and I'm quite sure we both think the other is totally wrong! :-)


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