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I am going to attemp a calm, intelligent rational reply.

I give you credit for also defining that there is a difference between Furry and Beastiality/Zoophilia. I give you credit for not "acting out" on your impulses. But you're trying to stand behind an argument that is fundamentally flawed:

Animals do not communicate their inner thoughts, sexual or otherwise, or feelings clearly. Their thoughts and feelings can only be interpreted by you or other humans. Quite frankly, your interpretations are suspect due to your motivations. Because animals do not communicate in this way, consent is never given. Just because an animal does not fight back does not indicate consent, no matter how much you wish to believe that it does. "Trusting" the human to provide food and shelter does not in any way indicate that the animal has chosen you as a partner for recreational sex.

And do not confuse an animals instincts to mate as some type of "consent" either, as someone else tried to as a joke. Outside of dolphins, animals sexual behavior is only to continue the species with the strongest available partner. Trying to tie that instinct to consent with a human is as offensive as the "she was asking for it" explanation for human-human rape.

Consent on the part of the animal can never be given.

And while consent on the part of the animal can never be proven, the physical and emotional damage inflicted upon the animal can easily be found in any victim of said abuse. To list all these things gets way too graphic. This is why it's classified as animal abuse and punishable by the law.

You present your argument calmly and rationally, but I'm sorry, it doesn't make it right or acceptable. the only positive thing I can say to it is, if you acknowledge that you have a problem, you may be able to get help before you "act out". The behaviors of other Zoophiles suggests that you see nothing wrong with this. That being the case, I will calmy and rationally say: I resent your presence here and if I find out who you are and that you have committed this act, I will report you to whatever law enforcement applies to you.


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