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Between watching Fur and Loathing and reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey into the Heart of the American Dream (The full title of Dr. Thompson's book) I've decided that someone In the Know need to do Total Coverage of Furries i.e. A Gonzo news story of a Furry Con.

Gonzo Journalism is a style Hunter Thompson first used in "The Kentucky Derby is Decedant and Depraved". It involves using the raw notes fron the reporter's notebooks as the story itself. It's a highly subjective style as you don't get an homogenized article, you get the author's view and opnions. For most reporters, and I know several in the Louisville Metro Area (my father's an videotape editor for a T.V. news station here), a Furry Con would be too bizzare, too savage. But if the reporter was at least In the Know, or a "Furry" themselves, even a highly opnionated story would be more positive than: look at this freak...

I'm thinking of actually doing this by covering either the Mephit Furmeet or the Midwest Furfest in a style similar to Hunter Thompson's (without enough drug to kill a platoon of U.S. Marines) with the hope that someone on the inside looking further into the abyss will actually have a more balanced view than a reporter who thinks Furries are deviants.

People have called me Furry for years...but more Robin Williams than Robin Hood.

Keep Louisville Weird


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