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Okay, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but here goes anyway. As a warning, I discuss the Last Paragraph(tm) later on in this comment.

First of all, the article is generally very good. I've been in the fandom for a little over 3 years now, so I was around for both the CSI episode and the MTV docu, and have witnessed the "sky is falling" mentality that surrounded both shows. Actually, I enjoyed the CSI episode immensely, despite the inaccuracies and fallacies in the story. Most people will believe you if you tell them the truth, as long as you do it in a calm, intelligent, rational way.

However, I do have a problem with the slam towards zoophiles in the last paragraph. (And here's where I attempt the calm, intelligent, rational explanation.) I am a zoophile. Do I think the fur fandom should have any reputation for sexual contact with animals? No. That's not what the fandom is about. The fandom is about art, stories, and for some people a spiritual connection towards animals/furry. It should never be "about" boinking Rover in the basement. Furry and zoophilia are seperate things. Some furs consider both an important part of their lives. Do I believe animals can consent? Yes. Mature animals can consent. They can say "No" if you allow them to. (If you don't allow them to, and continue any kind of sexual behaviour with them, then that's all out rape.) They may not say "No" in plain English, but I think teeth, kicking, body language are plain indicators too. Someone mentioned "trust" in one of the threads above. Isn't that what consentual sex is about for most people? Having sex with some one you trust? Do I think anyone who abuses, rapes, or hurts animals for their own selfish reasons should be punished severely? YES. Most definitely. However consensual sex between adult beings and rape are two different things. The keywords being consentual and adult.

Yes, a lot of "zoophiles" out there advertise it for all the wrong reasons. Yes, a lot of them don't treat their animals properly. But it's not true for all zoophiles. Most zoophiles are intelligent, rational people. You just never hear from them because they either fear backlash, or believe that sexual matters should be kept private. I list my sexual preferences and kinks in my LiveJournal "interests" list, but only to find people with similar interests. I very rarely talk about them in my journal, and even then only under security settings and warnings.

And finally let it be said, I have never had sexual intercourse with an animal. Does the idea interest me? Yes. Do I think zoophilia is wrong? No. Do I think sexual contact with animals is wrong? No... if it's consentual. Is consentual sex of any type between adults wrong? No, but keep it in the bedroom.

Thank you. You may flame me now.


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