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Sorry, but I completely miss the humor of those responses, KT. In fact I could point out how those answers work against each other, but I don't think it would serve any purpose in convincing you of my position.

Maybe I can't change Mr. Zoophile's mind, but I hope that I might have a chance to point out to him and his buddies that:

1) It's unacceptable behavior in any society

2) Some Furs don't want to hear about it.

3) Some Furs don't respect anything about the individuals who practice it.

4) Some Furs are extremely angry about being tarred by same brush as them.

4) Maybe most of us wish that they would go away. There sure is a lot of typing on the net to support this argument.

If I can't convince any of these folks to stop raping these animals, I would at least hope to convince them not to act like it's normal or accepted amongst anyone who actually cares about animals. Maybe a few other concerned furs should report these individuals for animal cruelty when they hear about it, or at least recommend that people like Anonymous Zoophile SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP. We definitely need to convince furs that if we're seeking any type of acceptance from the community at large, then we have to set some type of standards or else they're completely justified in tarring us as freaks of nature. You know, that old saying about "sleeping with dogs and complaining about waking up with fleas?" It's an apt metaphor, NOT "a handy tip."

And if we don't care what the Joe Six-pack and the rest of the community at large thinks of us, why all the fuss every time there is something reported? Do we care what the public thinks or not?

At the very least, the behavior doesn't change if there is a perception that people in this fandom are willing to facilitate it. You did say you weren't defending this behavior, right?


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