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Isn't FM (SM) *already* beholden to an individual who is keeping it on a DSL connection and being obstinent in the face of offers for temp hosting on fast sites while other arrangements could be made (i.e., S'A'Alis)? I don't know the situation there, if there's only one person calling the shots or a committee, it's *still* beholden to a specific group or individual that favored basically taking it offline for everyone except those of us who looked around and found the IP, in order to keep it on their hardware and connection.

However, I can also see reasons to reject offers--

it's their "baby", I know I don't like to just hand over any control whatsoever to just anyone who comes along, even if it would be somewhat of a help in the short term on my projects. There would always be the possibility (however remote)of abuse on the part of the "host" in regards to the privacy of the players, especially if the MUCK's data files are archived in plain text. There are also liability and other concerns that come with putting such a service on a commercial enterprise's systems and connection, especially if all the powers-that-be who are overseeing such things aren't fully aware of what's going on or granting appropriate permission.

If this had dragged on for weeks with no end in sight (sort of like the Furnation outtage), then maybe I'd start thinking it was a bit selfish to refuse offers of help that would benefit the huge userbase, but fortunately that wasn't the case and everything seems to be getting back on track.



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