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I believe that the entire ‘infamous Katy Mills Fursuit Fiasco of 2001’ talked about in the Houston Press article sums it up pretty well for me. To quote Bayne (one of the persons involved in the ‘incident’ “we were just trying to have some fun in our own way and maybe bring some other people some smiles as well.” The ‘fun’ involved, a ‘mall security descending with SWAT-like ferocity, the local police being called, and full background check of the individuals involved.
To quote the article:
• Because of these portrayals, Samuel Conway, a Pennsylvania chemist who organizes Anthrocon, shuns the media and bars reporters from the annual festivities. "He is wrong for thinking that bad press and ugly rumors are going to disappear as long as we ignore them," Shockwave says. "He's a sharp cookie, clever guy. But I respectfully disagree with him on that."

Sorry. I’m not buying it Shockwolf. I have to respectfully disagree with you and agree with Mr. Conway. The media system in America is about hype, numbers and selling their product. They are not interested in us; they are not interested in our problems. They are interested in titillating their audience and getting people to read their papers, to listen to their radio shows and to watch their television programs.
If they can do this by pointing out a group of people variously described as Geeks, Nerds, psychotics with a list of medical conditions that would pay off a Psychologists mortgage, and artists who draw ‘body-builder rhinos stroking hideously engorged members’ to make their target audience feel better about themselves for being ‘normal’ then they will.
I believe that the entire ‘infamous Katy Mills Fursuit Fiasco of 2001’ talked about in the Houston Press article sums it up pretty well for me. To quote Bayne (one of the persons involved in the ‘incident’ ) “we were just trying to have some fun in our own way and maybe bring some other people some smiles as well.” The ‘fun’ involved, ‘mall security descending with SWAT-like ferocity, the local police being called in, and full background check of the individuals involved to insure that they weren’t terrorists(?!).

Two people. Just two people have given the Houston Community a distaste for Fursuiters and Furries in general a bad reputation there. This article, in my opinion, has done nothing but perpetuate that stigma.



-Shockwave, a 39-year-old father of two, is the unofficial spokeswolf. He's cynical and defensive, for good reason. He has a bet with a rabbit that the reporter will ply him with questions about "yiffing," the furry term for sex. A cold beer is on the line.
(How was the beer Shockwave?)


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