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Oh my gosh, Furboy Zero is just like me! He's right, other animals are stable, with instinct, where emotions seem to be more on top with Humans. My parents, the school, kids, they were un predictable, and my special school was dead against me being a Dog. It's no wonder I skipped school to be with my Dog friends, who were there for me when no one else was.

I didn't know anything about Furries or animal people then, but I would have loved to be able to woof to counselors and stuff, "I'm not psych, I'm a Furry!" The way it was, they'd ask what was wrong with me, and I didn't have an answer, nothing would come out. It got me in lots of trouble, so I'm so glad now that Furs can find others over the net like that, since we all need friends, and to know we're not the only one..

My review. I would have freaked if I read an article like this out of the blue, picking up the paper one day. That means it's good, woof woof..


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