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Guys, I have a few thoughts on this.

Did the world end after the Vanity Fair article ran? Or after MTV's Sex2K documentary? Or after the other half-dozen times we've been shot at by the mainstream media?


In fact, I think the fandom as a whole is doing quite well right now. Yes, it sucks when this happens, but it's not the furry apocalypse. This'll pass just like every other potshot at us has. In a few weeks, no one will even think about it.

So just chill out a bit, guys! No reason to get all matted about it. What happens happens. If we just go on about our business (like we always have) it will fade from view. Getting bent out of shape about it only hurts us.

Kiran Lightpaw
Furry Weekend Atlanta 2004!
"Per ardua ad astra."


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