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CACE 2004 Website now online

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CACE returns again next year, taking place from June 4 to 6, 2004. And due to popular demand from both our guests and staff, we will again be at the Chimo Hotel. Also returning will be our great selection of workshops, classes and panels, the focus on creativity, the Art Show and Dealers Room, and our popular Friday Night Chocolate Social, amongst other attractions.
Feel free to browse our updated web site at for more information about our convention hotel, activities, and policies. We'll be updating the website with information about our guests within a month or so, and we should have complete information about our programming, dealers list, and art show panellists by late winter/early spring.

If you'd like, please subscribe to our mailing list or join in on our discussion forum, both reachable via the navigation bar on our main page. As well, we still have a limited supply of CACE 2002 and 2003 T-shirts (see the merchandise page for details).

Thanks once again for your interest in CACE. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions you might have. Hope to see you attend!

Chris 'Feli' Pilgrim
CACE Co Chair 2004


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