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I think also the point is being ignored that when you look at all the press coverage overall

all the stuff that was bad :
vanity fair

these publications are literally 1 step above the tabloids
im not that familiar with either but
who really reads this stuff like vanity fair ? yeah, sure, people on the internet pass that article around be shocked to find any of the people who have read that article the most actually buy the magazine on a regular basis
its probably 2 very different demographics

in general: this type of shit is for people with no attention span ..sorry but, that's who tabloid news is for
if it doesnt have tons of pictures and something shocking/bizarre/whatever every other sentence - they cant get through it.

meanwhile look at any time furry has been in a regular newspaper or regular newsprogram (FL channel 7)

they all acknowledge the same elements but the spin is different ...why? its simple - its not an important story, and never will be
its filler

furry is under the radar and will remain there until it actually starts doing something productive. (ex. promoting comics that the mainstream can enjoy - TO THE MAINSTREAM)

at this point in time, unless you live your life on the internet
you will almost never run into furries , nor will they be of any consequence

dont make the mistake of thinking that people actually give a shit can they when they have thier own lives to live?
some program that features bizarre-behaviour of furries airs
"gee, thats weird" then onto the next program

do you think the guy that saw the MTV special last year was driving to work this morning

"god!...those furries are so fucked up.."

later at lunch "ya know, i just cant get over that mtv special last year...christ!...what a bunch of weirdos!"

"i wish i could get to sleep but i just cant stop thinking about those damn furries!"

i doubt it, and if he is that neurotic, then maybe he should see a doctor. only furries think about furry this much

all this press coverage will do is maybe give someone a negative predisposition if they ever come across furry stuff..thats IF they can remember these stories. and, typically, the average person does not heavily research things they are not interested in

big news to you - not to everyone else

(btw, dont take any of this to mean that furry shouldnt clean up its act -ASAP)



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