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i just don't get what's with media
other then that they seem to think they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

i may be paranoid but it seems to me that there are a lot of vested axes to grind out there, politicly and otherwise, that seem to feel there is something to be gained by representing anything speculative fantasy in some kind of distortedly negative light.

and not just furry.

too bad this happens, but maybe it's as much as can be expected of the ambient culture of the times.

of course a lot of furry art is to varying degrees sexualy oriented, but it seems rather obvious to me, that it is one hell of a jump from that to interpreting fursuiting as somehow eroticly motivated.

i can understand the mtv thing because that was clearly what they were looking for in the furst place. but csi? what rock were their script writers living under before they thought of bringing in after the fact consultation?

is the real furry world THAT invissable?



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