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As one of the ZONIECON Veteran con-guys, You have received some good advice already... ZONIECON died because of online infighting, never getting Not-For-Profit tax status, and because the chairman tended to let most of the con duties lay until about a week before the actual con date, Before our last ZONIECON I decided to walk in to the hotel one week previous to our con date only to find it under reconstruction, and worse, they had forgotten we were coming! There are simply a zillion details you must prepare for. Find folks willing to work together, whose personalities won't interfere with con planning, make a plan like a flow chart showing who is helping with what, what the supplies needed are, and try to get the scratch for said supplies BEFORE you need them.. BTW, we have artshow pegboards, some knowhow and lots of horror stories to share if you email me at [email protected]... add AZ Furry con or somesuch to the title line or I'll probbly dump it.
Regards, Wolf Smith, Tucson Az.


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