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As others have been saying.

*Keep it small to start with - Don't expect 500 people to show up your first year. MFM started with less then 60 people and grew to over 400 in six years.

*Start with smaller Hotels - Drive around the area where you would like your con to be held and see what is around. Take a note of the hotels and call them afterwards. Smaller hotels are ok, but think of things like airport access, food places, highway access, etc. Be careful and check dates with the hotel so you don't end up having to share it with a wedding or something like that.

* Maintain a level of professionalism. When working face to face with a hotel, dress like a in-formal interview, make business cards/letterheads/envelopes with the club name and use them when in contact with the hotel (or anyone else), keep a copy of EVERYTHING somewhere safe.

* Art Show - Art Show can generate income for your con, but they require a lot of paperwork. This one I would leave to debate within your staff.

* Dealers Den - Yes. Even if you don't want one, people will ask for one.

* You do realize that there is over 12 furry cons per year now? As someone else was saying, ask yourself the question of what would make your con different and appealing to fans? What's there to do in Pheonix? Would the locals help out? Etc....


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