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Just a comment regarding how few furries in the Toronto area attend the SF cons...
In my opinion, the lack of furs at the local SF cons isn't such a bad thing. There's only really the two SF cons that I've known of personally, which are Toronto Trek and Ad Astra. Ad Astra's pretty much just a literary con, so it's understandable if not many furs go to it, since there's not much mainstream furry lit out there. TT's a media con that furs would probably enjoy a bit more of though. I know we've been there in past years, but the overall interest is pretty low. Also, the fact that it's near to some of the furry cons' own dates doesn't help much, I'm sure.
Anyways... Excuses excuses... ;X)
I had helped get the ball rolling when we had the panel at TT a couple years back. Terry Wessner did much of the talking, since he usually has a lot to say about furry comics and whatnot. My specialty is to discuss more about furry community than anything, but most folks don't care to hear about that. :XP

Am glad you had a good time at the con. I would have shown, but the price tag for that con's far too steep for my tastes. ;X)



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