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I was surprised by ENG, but definately pleased. This has to be one of the more entertaining movies they've turned out since 'Aladdin'. I had a suspicion they originally planned to make it a drama, like 'Mulan' or 'The Road to Eldorado', but somewhere along the lines... something went right. A most excellent review of ENG that explains what it was going to be and what it turned out to be can be found here at Brunching Shuttlecocks. My favorite excerpt has to be:

Somewhere along the way, the director said "Nope. I don't want to make another dull 'meaningful' dramatic musical. Screw it. We're downing a bottle a Jim Beam and re-writing this baby." And Kingdom of the Sun became The Emperor's New Groove.

Let's hear it for another powerful use of intoxicants!

"We use them for divine retribution."


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