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Circles #4 Pre-Orders Start July 11

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The long awaited issue #4 of Circles will be ready for sale from the Rabbit Valley(R) Comic Shop on Friday, July 11th.Circles Issue #4
It’s December, 2001! The holidays descend on Kinsey Circle, and our boys are dealing with important issues like love, sex, responsibility, jealousy, hatred, charity, and making sure one has the most fabulous display of lights in the neighborhood! Has Ken lured Marty to his gym just to embarrass him? What special favor does Douglas ask of Arthur? And what role does Gus, the lesbian boxing wolf, play in the drama? Questions are answered and answers are questioned in Circles Issue 4: “In His Anger and His Shame.”

40 pages, black and white, color cover. $5.00 cover price. Preorder July 11, 2003 from Rabbit Valley (R) Comics at

This will be the first issue published by the new Rabbit Valley Artists Cooperative Association, a non-profit corporation set up to help artists and authors reach their audiences.


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