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Most probably do. The mature track was discussed in detail for weeks on the mailing list for the convention, and several polls were taken on the concept. There was quite a bit of interest in those items.

In the end we decided to have mature programming, but keep it completely segregated from the rest of the convention. It won't appear in the main program book; only registered adults who request information on it will be given a schedule to the mature track.

If I recall correctly, only one furry polled said s/he would refuse to attend the convention if any mature programming were held, even if it were kept from public view. This is probably because every furry convention out there already contains extensive adult material in the dealer's room which far surpasses the content of any mature panel discussion.

Also, keep in mind that our definition of "mature" does not mean "pornographic". We're talking PG-13 and R, not X. The mature variety show will free up performers to use vulgar language and sexual themes in sketches, not to expose themselves to the audience.

It's an unfortunate commentary on the fandom that there is a market for G-rated material and X-rated material, but not much in between that. We at OMC staff feel that there is a place for mature discussions and content at our convention without it necessarily turning obscene.



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