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Uh, maybe you missed the whole point of that
episode, and that was that rabbits, cats and
mice are pretty much wiping out the animals
that live there in his homeland. Maybe you
missed the barn that had over 10,000 mice
running wild in it, in the grain bins, nipping
at the horses, and everything.

He even went on record as saying that he
hates to have to help in the thining out of
those animals, but in a nutshell, if they aren't
then beloved animals, like the Bushbabys
and such, will be wiped out.

And sorry, but when mice are as bad as they
are over there in areas, same with rabbits
and without enough preds to deal with them
you don't "relocate" them. You kill them,
because right now, you can't stop them from
breeding to deadly highs.

Don't go and try to spread lies about someone
who loves animals to death and has put a lot
of the money he has made from such things
as his toys, the movie and like, back towards
saving animals.

And FYI, he noted that the cats aren't as bad
as the mice and rabbits, due to a lower birth
rate, and the fact they eat most of the animals
that cause trouble. He does "relocate" them.

You don't like it? Well dabble in some biotech
and find a good, cheap, easy way to shut down
the breeding cycles of the rabbits and mice that
are killing off races of animals you don't find
anywhere else.



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