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well cordite, the problem is birds getting sucked into jet engines, or wherever they put the intake ports ,not crashing into windshields
thats the problem with turbines: thier fragile and they suck air like a *****
a bird will be pulled in if they go near

and #2
most test pilot crashes are from flying experiemental aircraft that suffer mechanical/electrical failures
(that goes for regular aircraft too)

these are laws of physics we're talking about anyway, if you know the absolute maximum velocity of the plane, with however fast a bird might be traveling , or the largest bird that could possibly hit, and the materials you are building with can withstand that amount of energy from an impact, then yes, i would say paper results are fine

and a "real world" test isnt going to prevent a disaster,
(as if a chicken fired from a cannon at a plane parked in a hanger in any way, shape, or form reflects reality....)

and for myself , yes, if i was "testing" something and an engineer showed me SOLID math behind a design i would be comfortable trying it out, whatever it may be

as for you "iron badger",
if for some reason you think im afraid of you or making my identity public, or whatever the ***** your issue is

please email me:
i aint afraid of spam, i aint afraid of you either

[email protected]

and if you dont have anything to say that merits a reply, dont expect one

(this goes for anyone who decides to vent thier pathetic rage at me through my email address)


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