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$300 sounds about right. All the roughly-T1 server-capable services I've priced are in the $250-450/month neighborhood. Rackspace is relatively cheap as such things go, about $350 for a server with 30 gigs of drive and 10 gigabytes/month of traffic. They're server hosting, though, not Web hosting. Cox@Work starts their server-capable offerings at $295/month, and that's 256k uplink speed. My Utah ISP has roughly the same rates for 256k guaranteed-rate DSL. Frankly it's a wonder Siberskunk and the others have been able to offer hosting essentially free for so long.

For the curious, 10 gigabytes of traffic a month translates to a sustained 4k/second transfer rate, or a bit less than what a 56k modem can do on a very good line. Furnation or Velar would swamp that easily.


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