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Actually, it's a matter of degree. My employer I don't care about. I won't be subject to a background check of any kind. The people I need not to know have no idea furry even exists, and are unlikely to even imagine such a thing is out there unless, as Kage put it once, a bunch of furs persist in "waving their dicks at the camera". Once sexual deviancy becomes involved, THEN it's big news.

The people involved even know that I write "furry" novels; the key is that I cannot afford to be portrayed as part of a group of "perverts". So long as there is a reasonable level of decorum in the fandom, I'm fine. When this TV garbage starts happening, I've gotta vamoose.

I bet I'm speaking for lotsa others, too. I'm no burned fur, not by any stretch. But there _is_ such a thing as not sticking your head down a dispose-all.


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