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2nd C-ACE Contest ... win a free commission by Gryllus!

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Pre-register for C-ACE 2003 ( ) by the May 2 registration deadline and you'll be entered in a draw for a free commission by Sue "Gryllus" Packard -- artist and admin on (see for sample art). The winner will receive a one-character, colour commission sized at 9 x 12 inches on bristol board. The commission will be available for pick up at C-ACE this year. If you can't attend, but would like to support C-ACE and have a chance to win the commission, all those who purchase Supporting Memberships before the deadline will also be eligible for the draw. Registrations must be postmarked by May 2 to be eligible for the draw and for the reduced pre-registration rate. Staff and winners of previous C-ACE contests and draws are not eligible. Commission details must be received by May 16 in order to ensure completion by the convention.

Jeff Novotny, 2003 C-ACE con chair


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