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Megaplex Convention Update!

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Well, we've been asked what attendees to the Second Annual Megaplex will be in store for, and finally, here's a quick list of the events and such that we have planned! There is still time to reserve a room as the room block has been extended to March 17th!

Of course, there will be a live taping of the Funday Pawpet Show! Join your friends Mutt, Poink, Arthur, Rummage, Tod, and a host of zany characters for the madcap fun you've come to expect from this weekly show!

The C.A.R.E. Foundation is again our charity, and of course, we intend to let them come in and show you exactly the cause you are helping to support. On hand will also be Kache (cot-chay), a live Florida Panther that is being taken care of by the C.A.R.E. foundation. There will also be an auction to help raise money for this wonderful organization, and donations are welcome. The auction will be hosted by Dr. Samuel Conway, with proceeds to go to the foundation.

This year, we have a Guest Of Honor, the one and only Susan Parkin, the creator of the online comic, Doemain of Our Own. Take this opportunity to meet Susan and ask her questions about her comic and character design, inspirations, and any other questions that come to mind. Plus, there has been a lot of interest show in this convention by other big names in their fields, so you may be surprised who you might run into!

And of course, we have events, both new and popular holdovers from last year, including:

  • Devin's Magic-A holdover from last year, watch Devin mystify you with his illusions.
  • Mad Mad Art Jam-Take random artists, materials, and topics, give them a 1/2 hour time frame, and see what happens!
  • Gaming Galore! Role-playing games of Ironclaw, GURPS and others with all sorts of creatures you can play. Also look for card games and LAN games.
  • The musical stylings of SPUN!
  • MegaPlex Improv Show-Hosted by Terry Sender and David Picolla!
  • Live performances from "2" and Uncle Kagemushi!
  • Martial Arts Demonstration: Information on the Melbourne based martial arts dojo is forthcoming.
  • MegaPlex Mascot Challenge - See mascots and costumed characters participate in some wacky and unusual competitions.
  • MegaPlex Game Shows (contestants pulled form the audiences), including:
    • Apples to Apples - The Game Show version of the popular card game. You're given an adjective, you have a group of nouns. Which noun is best described by the adjective, that's called matching and Apple to Apple. Will you select the same words as our panel? Join host Terry Sender in this fun filled contest of words and wit.
    • Liar's Club: What is that thing? It's an antique blowtorch. It's a paint sprayer. It's a cake decorator. It's an old bun warmer. Only one person is telling the truth. The others are lying. But who's right? Listen to their stories and try to figure out who knows what they're talking about, and who's a member of the Liar's Club.

And of course, there will be other events and activities, which we will update you on here.
The roster continues to grow, and more updates will follow. Go to for more information, and look forward to seeing you here!


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