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Perhaps it might be closer to the truth to say that there are well run cons and poorly run cons. Mistakes will happen anywhere, but the well run ones can adapt to them or solve them on the run as it were.

Sexual expression? Well, guess happens at Trek cons, Anime cons, regular Sci-Fi cons, and yes, Furry cons. People get together, find that they have common interests, perhaps find each other attractive for variour reasons, and eros occurs. Most cons have rules these days for what may occur publicly, but if you need to avoid it altogether then a convention is simply not the place to go.

At any convention, the people you are going to meet are imperfect. Flawed. In short, human. In the fandom that I've chosen to be part of, most of the folks I've met and became friends with have at least been flawed in interesting and creative ways.

From my angle, show basic courtesy, don't allow folks you are unfamiliar with to take advantage of you. and hold up your end of things that you've agreed to. From there, you should do okay.


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