I'm sure they are desperate. Any convention that willingly GIVES AWAY FREE MEMEBERSHIPS just to try and meet their contracted hotel room nights is on the downhill side of fucked. A convention's primary income source is memberships. Eliminate that, and you're left with maybe a few thousand from artshow and dealer's room. That's not going to cover your cost. Hemorraging money is not a way to run a convention that you want to see around the next year. I think we're seeing the end of Confurence.
I'm sure they are desperate. Any convention that willingly GIVES AWAY FREE MEMEBERSHIPS just to try and meet their contracted hotel room nights is on the downhill side of fucked. A convention's primary income source is memberships. Eliminate that, and you're left with maybe a few thousand from artshow and dealer's room. That's not going to cover your cost. Hemorraging money is not a way to run a convention that you want to see around the next year. I think we're seeing the end of Confurence.
Sad, really. It could have been much more.