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We are not taking the news very well, I'm afraid. Most of our community is still in shock, and hearing about remains being found hither and yon isn't helping.

I knew one of the astronauts - David Brown. He was trained to operate the SRMS arm, and I met him by my simulator at the NBL. I later worked on the Zero Gravity Scale and taught him how to use our technology demonstrator and how simple the final product would be to use. He was a smart man and I remember him and Dr. Smith (who is also deceased now) trading a few puns back and forth.

My prayers nowdays are several fold; I pray for the families of the astronauts and all those touched by this tragedy. I also pray that this approaching conflict in the middle east ends as quickly and with as little loss of life as possible.

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!


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