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I dont have any vested interest in this either way, but from reading the news above, I see two problems with Shaterri's legal case:

1) It seems obvious that there was contact by at least one wiz with Dwight, which will need to come out in the wash (and certainly would in a court). If it was not clear which wiz spoke for all, it could be assumed one wiz could. So that might kill the case if it's found that the wiz in contact had his/her chance, and blew it.

2) I doubt if the whole service mark argument will fly. If you read the rest of the web site quoted, it seems to me it is pretty specific that is relates to "COMMERCE". Since there doesnt seem to be any commerce involved, the service mark argument won't fly.

So if this is important for the wizzes to pursue, I think they should find better arguments, or risk losing their case.



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