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I agree with Duncan on all of his points. We don't have enough information. The information we have is from sources with their own biases, agendas, or faulty memories.

Communcations problems seem to happen in this fandom a lot. I can't tell you how many times, as an editor, I receive second- and third-hand communications supposedly from the owner of some elements in our shared universe sending along their instructions after they fell out of communication for years. If the owner wants to communicate with an editor to whom he/she has submitted material, the person should contact the editor, not a friend of an acquaintance of the editor.

Or, telling all of your personal friends that you are shutting down your business, but not sending any communication to any of the vendors with whom you have standing purchase orders, is not good communcation, either.

There just seem to be a lot more people in this fandom who think that rumors are a valid form of business communication. I seldom experience this sort of thing in my other fannish activities nearly as much as in furry.




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