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1) The domain name was legally registered and, as property, free to be sold to whomever the owner wished in whatever way he wished.

2) Dwight reportedly asked repeatedly if anyone in the wizcorp wanted the domains and was repeatedly told 'no.'

3) A well known wiz (Revar) attempted to purchase the domains for the wizcorp and was roundly flamed for his efforts.

4) Short of hiring a skywriting team, Mr. Dutton could not have been more obvious about the sale either long before it or during it.

It seems to me that, as a group, the wizcorp of furrymuck could not have cared less about the domain sale. At any rate the sale is finished, and speaking as a FurryMuck player, it won't bother me one iota that the Confurence group has a banner ad on the address. I might actually click there from time to time. The wizcorp should be grateful the domain isn't being used as a front for a pay-for-porn site or some such thing as sometimes befalls 'homeless urls'.

It's far too late to gnash your teeth about it. You should have offered to buy the names when mr. Dutton offered them up in the first place if it meant so much to you. At least the domain will actually be about FurryMuck now and not simply point to dev/null someplace; that's more than it has been doing for the last couple of years.

I look forward to seeing the site Darrell creates (perhaps with a furrymuck weekly newspaper? nudge, nudge.) This matter is done and over with and certain wizzes need to get over it already.

- Shockwave

Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!


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