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I'm not sure I agree with this commentary's validity, because while yes, it comes VERY close to actually being about furries, the transcript does not actually use the word furry, or mention that some plushophiles (which was mispelled as plushofile by the transcriber, for those of you who might want to search through it using the Find command) which IS a sexual kink, attend actual furry conventions. Those "conventions" as they described, were made to look like the convention was solely based on plushophilia. As far as I know, there are absolutely no plush conventions.

The transcription never touched on the actual subject of furry fandom, and that, I'm rather grateful for Dan to either have A) forgotten, or B) Does realize that furry fandom in and of itself is not a sexual kink, but rather at the very least a hobby dealing with anthropomorphics.

So basically what I'm saying is, we were either very lucky in that he forgot to mention the keyword, or he finally did realize by the outcry of emails given to him that furry is NOT a sexual kink.... (... and this is coming from me, one of the most open minded furs around, note. Anyone who knows me can vouch for that. {{--}})

Either way, there's no real reason to be upset about this since the fandom wasn't in direct aim of the bashing, thus this whole commentary really doesn't have any value.

Anyways, that's my two cents about the whole deal.



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