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this is generaly what happens when we diminish the natural habitate of natural preditors - nothing wrong with killing it if you're gonna eat it and eating it if you kill it (deer, rabbits, et c.) - and nothing wrong with letting natural preditors rome the streets - yes they might just eat your children at that - but neither you nor your childrend need to be in their path -
i don't mean to sound like i'm suggesting feeding our children to natural preditors as a way of bringing our own overpopulation into balance -
we could after all spay and neuter ourselves -
we could make it a lot cheeper or even free for humans to do that -
maybe even provide some sort of tax rebate if they did -
whatever solution, good, bad or indefferent is ultimately found - we as humans WILL have to live with it ...
i still think something in the water supply to lower human fertility accross the board - draconian as that may sound - is probably the most practical and effective solution
famine, war and disease are the most probable outcome of failing to do so ...
of course we could design our communities to more compatably live side by side with the other creatures we share the planet with ...
something dumb like setting out poisen our pets and children will likely get into anyway is what i'd guess is most likely to happen in the short sighted short term ...
but even socialy transmitted diseases are part of nature's way of trying to tell us there's way the heck and gone too blessed many of US ...


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