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Regarding the categories, I think it'd be wise to split "best comic strip" and "best comic book" since they are distinct forms of storytelling -- similar to the way the Dramatic Presentation Hugo Award was split to short- and long-form. Comic strip c95{be considered in the comic strip category. Some work might have to be done to come up with precise definitions, e.g. a strip is published periodically in installments of fewer than (say) 6 panels, with a self-contained gag or beat for each installment. The idea is that something like Gene Catlow is really an online comic book, being published page by page with a continuing story but each page doesn't really stand on its own, whereas Freefall, although it has a continuing storyline, is a strip such as one might find in a newspaper, that can be enjoyed to some extent without having seen the previous installments. (No wonder the categories were combined to start with!)

As for Realm of the Claw, maybe a category for "best mass-produced non-printed product" (figurines, toys, plushies, etc.) or a catch-all category "best thing that doesn't fit in any of the other categories."


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