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well i didn't know any of this - and not sure i entirely understand it. i know ABOUT fps or thought i did. i've been to the website and so on though i've never seen a broadcast as such. i've only got a 33.6 and no sound card. i don't know what's to be done about the past other then hopefully enough furs will help the guy out - but for the future, arn't there furry musicians who can/will donate background scores and incidentals?

i had no idea about existing music being used and am a bit baffled by this - but what i'm really baffled by is this business of being able to collect under the law retroactively. that certainly sounds like one more bit of evidence that we're living under some kind of tyranny that we've all been brainwashed into blinding ourselves to. but i don't think scapegoating any political party or phylosophy is going to solve that so i hope no one thinks i'm suggesting anything of the sort.

i just think there's a lot going on that hardly anyone has been paying enough rational and objective attention to - but then i've been thinking that ever since the fall of the u.s. embassy in tehran sometime back in 77 or 78 whenever it was - and what came to power here in the 80s as a resault ...


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