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ConifurNW Masquerade Info

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Hello Everyone. My name is Brian "Axelroo" Chris Baker, head of this year's ConifurNW 2K2 Masquerade. The time is ticking down and we need a head count of those who will be participating in this years event. We got a two dressing rooms and a beautiful backstage to practice on way out of sight from public oncomers. You can be sure, this is going to be a good year for ConifurNW.However, we need to even out the time slots for each furson who is going to be there. If you can garauntee you are coming we can garauntee your time slot on stage. If you are one of those people, please give me as buzz at [email protected] with the following information:

Real Name: First and Last will do
Alias: Perhaps another name everyone knows you by.
Character: The character of which you are portraying.
Species: Wolf, Fox, Roo, etc.
Skit: So what do you plan to do on stage? Are you gonna pose? Do a 2 person act? Break dance (I'd like to see that)? Just give us the lowdown on what you plan to do.

Ok, for those of you who are "iffy" about coming this year but are still interested, we can't promise that you will have the time onstage you want. Regardless of the circumstances, talk to me! Here is my contact info.

Brian Chris Baker
(253) 202-3089
[email protected]
ICQ: 17497093
FurryMUCK: Axelroo

Snail Mail:
9009 S. 25th Ct.
Lakewood, WA 98499

Hope to see you there. That is all for now.



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